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Daoism -> Dao De Jing -> 55

(The mysterious charm)
He who has in himself abundantly the attributes (of the Dao)
赤子 is like an infant.
Poisonous insects will not sting him;
fierce beasts will not seize him;
birds of prey will not strike him.
(The infant's) bones are weak and its sinews soft, but yet its grasp is firm.
It knows not yet the union of male and female, and yet its virile member may be excited;
- showing the perfection of its physical essence.
All day long it will cry without its throat becoming hoarse;
- showing the harmony (in its constitution).
To him by whom this harmony is known, (The secret of) the unchanging (Dao) is shown,
And in the knowledge wisdom finds its throne.
All life-increasing arts to evil turn;
使Where the mind makes the vital breath to burn, (False) is the strength, (and o'er it we should mourn.)
When things have become strong, they (then) become old,
which may be said to be contrary to the Dao.
Whatever is contrary to the Dao soon ends.

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