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Discussion -> Latest updates -> Semantic search suggestions added

2012-04-21 11:33:01Semantic search suggestions added
Posted by: admin (CTP Admin)The semantic linking data is now used to automatically suggest related searches when performing a full-text search. Textual searches continue to work as previously, but searching for any term that has an entry in the CTP dictionary will give a notice with links to the corresponding entry that can be used to find occurrences of specific usages. Searches for named historical individuals (e.g. 荀子, 孔子, 齐桓公, etc.) will also present links to make the search more precise by both disambiguating the search (e.g. showing only occurrences of "齐桓公" referring to the earlier 齐桓公小白, or only those referring to the later 齐桓公田午) and extending it to include coextensive terms (e.g. showing references to 齐桓公小白 regardless of whether he is referred to as "桓公", "小白", or even just "桓").

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