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Chinese Text Project
Discussion -> Latest updates -> New feature: "Wenyanwen Roulette"

2010-07-26 11:22:28New feature: "Wenyanwen Roulette"
Posted by: admin (CTP Admin)This feature is intended to give users a new way of interacting with the texts in the CTP database. Through personal websites and blogs, Twitter, and Facebook, users can receive daily random selections from classical texts, providing new opportunities for study. Please see the full explanation for more details.

2011-05-30 05:04:41New feature: "Wenyanwen Roulette"
Posted by: cjgait (Christopher Gait)I'd love to add random Yi Jing quotes to my Yi Dao blog (templeofthesingularity.blogspo... but they limit such items to 'gadgets' that either have to be in Blogger's system or have a URL you can point to. Has anyone set up Wenyanwen Roulette on their blogger blog?

2011-05-31 13:22:44New feature: "Wenyanwen Roulette"
Posted by: dsturgeon (Donald Sturgeon)It looks like you can do this by adding an "HTML/JavaScript" widget (under "Basics"), then just copying and pasting the code into it. I'm not familiar with Blogger, but I just tried it on a test blog, and it seems to work.

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