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Chinese Text Project
All resources -> MohismRelated texts

Total 50 matching resources; showing results 41-50.

ChapterEnglishGraham, A.C.The breakdown of the world order decreed by heaven - A radical reaction: Mo-Tzu in "Disputers of the TAO: Philosophical Argument in Ancient China" p.33-52
ChapterEnglishGraham, A.C.The organization of the Mohist Canons in "Ancient China: Studies in early civilization"
ChapterEnglishGraham, A.C.The right to selfishness: Yangism, Later Mohism, Chuang Tzu in "Individualism and Holism: Studies in Confucian and Taoist Values"
ChapterEnglishHansen, ChadMozi: Setting the Philosophical Agenda in "A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Interpretation" p.95-152
ChapterEnglishHansen, ChadNeo-Mohist Philosophy of Language in "Language and Logic in Ancient China (Michigan studies on China)" p.100-139
ChapterEnglishPaul, GregorEquivalent Axioms of Aristotelian, or Traditional European, and Later Mohist Logic: An Argument in Favor of the Universality of Logic and Rationality in "Epistemological Issues in Classical Chinese Philosophy" p.119-135
ChapterEnglishSivin, NathanA systematic approach to the Mohist optics in "Chinese Science: Explorations of an Ancient Tradition"
ChapterEnglishXing, LuConceptualization of Ming Bian: The School of Mohism in "Rhetoric in Ancient China, Fifth to Third Century B.C.E: A Comparison With Classical Greek Rhetoric" p.195-224
WebsiteEnglishFraser, ChrisMohism in "Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy" (2002)
WebsiteEnglishFraser, ChrisMohist Canons in "Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy" (2005)

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