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-> 馬格里

馬格里[View] [Edit] [History]

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Sir Samuel Halliday Macartney (1833–1906) was a military surgeon and later a diplomat serving the Chinese government during the late Qing dynasty.

Macartney was a member of the same family as George Macartney, the 18th century British ambassador to China.

He studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh Medical School, graduating MD in 1858 with a thesis on phthisis. He served as a surgeon in the Crimean War, then went with his regiment to China and resigned his commission to join the Chinese army of General Charles Gordon which was subduing the Taiping rebels. He decided to make his home in China and married the niece of Chinese politician Li Hongzhang in December 1864. He became a civil servant of the Chinese imperial government, first in China and then in England. His first wife was a near relative of Lar Wang (納王郜雲官), one of the leaders of the Taiping rebellion. They had three sons and a daughter; the eldest son, George, served as the British representative in Kashgar for 28 years. The Macartneys lived in Nanjing until 1876 when Macartney left for London to serve as secretary to successive Chinese ministers at the Court of St James. His wife stayed behind and died two years later.

Macartney served as Counsellor to the Chinese Legation in London for the remaining 30 years of his life. Notably, he oversaw the capture and detainment of Chinese nationalist leader Sun Yat-Sen at the Chinese Legation in 1896. Macartney intended to deport Sun Yat-Sen back to the Qing Empire for execution, but the intervention of Sun's ally and former teacher Sir James Cantlie turned the imprisonment into a press sensation, and brought public support to Sun. Macartney released Sun Yat-Sen after 12 days of detainment, under pressure from the foreign office. The incident greatly raised Sun Yat-Sen's public profile as a reformer and revolutionary, and gave his movement more clout; Sun would go on to lead the revolution that overthrew the Qing and found the Republic of China.

Macartney re-married in 1884 Jeanne Léon du Satoy, daughter of Jacques Léon du Sautoy, of Fontainebleau. Lady Macartney died at Hove, near Brighton, on 9 September 1902, and was interred at Dundrennan Abbey, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland seven days later. Sir Halliday died in 1906 at his home, Kenbank, St John's Town of Dalry and was also buried at Dundrennan Abbey.

Macartney received the first grade of the second class of the Imperial Chinese Order of the Double Dragon in May 1902.

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馬格里爵士(Sir Halliday Macartney,1833年5月24日 - 1906年),又譯馬凱尼,字清臣。生於蘇格蘭,出身馬戛爾尼家族。原為英軍軍醫。第二次鴉片戰爭時隨軍抵華,其後加入常勝軍。馬格里遂漸得到李鴻章賞識,督辦鑄造火炮。1875年,因金陵機器局鑄造的火炮爆炸被撤職。但不久獲李鴻章推薦到中國駐英使館。馬格里於1877年到達倫敦,此後近30多年間一直在倫敦為清政府效力。


1902年5月 - 馬格里獲得大清帝國頭等雙龍寶星。

Read more...: 家庭  

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