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-> 明安圖

明安圖[View] [Edit] [History]

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Minggatu (Mongolian script: ; 明安图 Ming'antu, c.1692-c. 1763), full name Sharavyn Myangat (Шаравын Мянгат) was a Mongolian astronomer, mathematician, and topographic scientist at the Qing court. His courtesy name was Jing An (静安).

Minggatu was born in Plain White Banner (now Plain and Bordered White Banner, Xilin Gol League, Inner Mongolia) of the Qing Empire. He was of the Sharaid clan. His name first appeared in official Chinese records in 1713, among the Kangxi Emperor's retinue, as a shengyuan (state-subsidized student) of the Imperial Astronomical Bureau. He worked there at a time when Jesuit missionaries were in charge of calendar reforms. He also participated in the work of compiling and editing three very important books in astronomy and joined the team of China's area measurement.

From 1724 up to 1759, he worked at the Imperial Observatory. He participated in drafting and editing the calendar and the study of the armillary sphere.

His seminal work The Quick Method for Obtaining the Precise Ratio of Division of a Circle (割圜密率捷法 Gēyuán Mìlǜ Jiéfǎ), which was completed after his death by his son Mingshin, and students (among them his most gifted pupil Chen Jihin and an intendant in the minister of finance, Zhang), was a significant contribution to the development of mathematics in China.

He was the first person in China who calculated infinite series and obtained more than 10 formulae. In the 1730s, he first established and used what was later to be known as Catalan numbers. The Jesuit missionaries' influence can be seen by many traces of European mathematics in his works, including the use of Euclidean notions of continuous proportions, series addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, series reversion, and the binomial theorem. Minggatu's work is remarkable in that expansions in series, trigonometric and logarithmic were apprehended algebraically and inductively without the aid of differential and integral calculus.

In 1742 he participated in the revision of the Compendium of Observational and Computational Astronomy. In 1756, he participated in the surveying of the Dzungar Khanate (renamed Xinjiang), which was incorporated into the Qing Empire by the Qianlong Emperor. It was due to his geographical surveys in Xinjiang that the Complete Atlas of the Empire (the first atlas of China drawn with scientific methods) was finished.

From 1760-1763, shortly before his death, he was administrator of the Imperial Astronomical Bureau.

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明安圖(;ᠮᡳᠩᡤᠠᠨᡨᡠ|v=minggantu;1692年 - 1763年),字靜庵,亦那木都魯氏,蒙古正白旗常舒保佐領(今內蒙古錫林郭勒盟正白旗)人。清朝天文學家、數學家。

青年時期被選入欽天監為官學生,學習天文、曆法和數學, 又從法國人杜德美學習艾薩克·牛頓的三個無窮級數展開式。康熙五十一年(1712年),隨康熙皇帝往承德避暑山莊,回答科學問題。又參加了《律在淵源》的編撰工作,兩次赴新疆測繪地圖。康熙六十年,任欽天監五官正。乾隆二年(1737年)參加編修《曆象考成後編》。乾隆十六年(1751年)辛未繙譯科進士。乾隆二十四年(1759年),升任欽天監監正。卒於乾隆二十八(1763年)年。有一本數學名著《割圜密率捷法》四卷,是研究三角函數的重要書籍。明安圖在書中最早發現卡塔蘭數。

2002年5月26日,在明安圖的家鄉明安圖鎮舉辦「明安圖的科學貢獻」研討會,有五百多位學者和二萬當地居民參加,會上宣布將第28242號小行星命名為明安圖 。


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