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-> 毓賢

毓賢[View] [Edit] [History]

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name-style佐臣清史稿·列傳二百五十二 徐桐{{子承煜 豫師}} 剛毅 趙舒翹 啓秀 英年 裕祿{{廷雍}} 毓賢{{李廷簫}}》:毓賢,字佐臣,內務府正黃旗漢軍。
exam-statusexamstatus:監生清史稿·列傳二百五十二 徐桐{{子承煜 豫師}} 剛毅 趙舒翹 啓秀 英年 裕祿{{廷雍}} 毓賢{{李廷簫}}》:毓賢,字佐臣,內務府正黃旗漢軍。監生。
Yuxian (1842–1901) was a Manchu high official of the Qing dynasty who played an important role in the violent anti-foreign and anti-Christian Boxer Rebellion, which unfolded in northern China from the fall of 1899 to 1901. He was a local official who rose quickly from prefect of Caozhou (in unruly southwestern Shandong) to judicial commissioner and eventually governor of Shandong province. Dismissed from that post because of foreign pressure, he was soon named governor of Shanxi province. At the height of the Boxer crisis, as Allied armies invaded China in July 1900, he invited a group of 45 Christians and American missionaries to the provincial capital, Taiyuan, saying he would protect them from the Boxers. Instead, they were all killed. Foreigners, blaming Yuxian for what they called the Taiyuan Massacre, labeled him the "Butcher of Shan-hsi Shanxi".

After Allied armies seized control of North China, Yuxian was blamed by both foreign and Chinese officials for having encouraged the Boxers, and at their insistence, he was beheaded. Historians have now shown that while Yuxian was strongly resistant to foreign influence, he was in fact actively involved in the suppression of Boxer groups in 1895–96 and 1899, but that his strategy of killing Boxer leaders without prosecuting their followers failed in late 1899, when the Boxers had changed in nature and their executed leaders could easily be replaced by new ones. They also suggest that the Christians in Taiyuan were killed by mob violence, not by Yuxian's order.

Read more...: Official career   Boxer Uprising   Legacy  

The text above has been excerpted automatically from Wikipedia - please correct any errors in the original article.
毓賢(ᠶᡡ ᠰᡳᠶᠠᠨ|v=Yū Siyan|a=Yv Siyan;1842年 - 1901年),字佐臣,內務府滿洲正黃旗,葉赫地方顏扎氏,清末年間臭名昭著的酷吏及排外極端種族主義者。捐監生,納貲為同知府。他與剛毅的惡行都因為劉鶚的《老殘遊記》而廣為人知,他們都是「清官則自以為不要錢,何所不可?剛愎自用,小則殺人,大則誤國」的代表。

Read more...: 生平簡歷   酷吏生涯   庚子拳亂  

The text above has been excerpted automatically from Wikipedia - please correct any errors in the original article.


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