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新唐書·本紀第三 高宗》:十月壬午,閻立本薨。
    from-date 咸亨二年
671/2/15 - 672/2/4
新唐書·本紀第三 高宗》:是歲,姜恪為侍中,閻立本為中書令。
Yan Liben (閻立本 Yán Lìběn) (c. 600–673), formally Baron Wenzhen of Boling (博陵文貞男), was a Chinese painter, administrator and politician of the early Tang Dynasty. His most famous work, possibly the only genuine survival, is the Thirteen Emperors Scroll. He also painted the Portraits at Lingyan Pavilion, under Emperor Taizong of Tang, commissioned in 643 to commemorate 24 of the greatest contributors to Emperor Taizong's reign, as well as 18 portraits commemorating the 18 great scholars who served Emperor Taizong when he was the Prince of Qin. Yan's paintings included painted portraits of various Chinese emperors from the Han Dynasty (202 BC–220 AD) up until the Sui Dynasty (581–618) period. His works were highly regarded by the Tang writers Zhu Jingxuan and Zhang Yanyuan, who noted his paintings were "works among the glories of all times".

From the years 669 to 673, Yan Liben also served as a chancellor under Emperor Taizong's son Emperor Gaozong (r. 649–683).

A record of 1120 gives 42 titles of his paintings, though the Thirteen Emperors Scroll is not among them. Only four Buddhist subjects are listed, against 12 Daoist. The remainder are portraits, "gods of the planets and constellations" or records of events at court. Of the surviving works attributed to him, the Thirteen Emperors Scroll is "the first that is generally accepted as being partly original", though much of it seems later. A similar figure of an emperor in fresco in the Mogao Caves (Cave 200), might be by the same hand, and carries the appropriate date of 642.

By tradition the reliefs of the six favourite horses at the mausoleum of Emperor Taizong (d. 649) were designed by him, and the relief is so flat and linear that it seems likely they were carved after drawings or paintings. Yan Liben is documented as producing other works for the tomb, a portrait series that is now lost, and perhaps designed the whole structure.

Read more...: Background   During Emperor Taizongs reign   During Emperor Gaozongs reign   Gallery  

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閻立本(601年 - 673年),雍州萬年縣(今陝西臨潼)人。隋朝畫家閻毗之子,閻立德之弟,母親是北周武帝宇文邕的女兒清都公主。唐代著名畫家、官員,官至右相/中書令,謚文貞

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