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-> 唆魯禾帖尼

唆魯禾帖尼[View] [Edit] [History]

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Sorghaghtani Beki (Сорхагтани Бэхи/[[Chakhar Mongolian|) or Bekhi (Bek(h)i is a title), also written Sorkaktani, Sorkhokhtani, Sorkhogtani, Siyurkuktiti (c. 1190–1252; posthumous name: 顯懿莊聖皇后 Xiǎnyì Zhuāngshèng Huánghòu) was a Keraite princess and daughter-in-law of Genghis Khan. Married to Tolui, Genghis' youngest son, Sorghaghtani Beki became one of the most powerful and competent people in the Mongol Empire. She made policy decisions at a pivotal moment that led to the transition of the Mongol Empire towards a more cosmopolitan and sophisticated style of administration. She raised her sons to be leaders, and maneuvered the family politics so that all four of her sons, Möngke Khan, Hulagu Khan, Ariq Böke, and Kublai Khan, went on to inherit the legacy of their grandfather.

Given her enormous impact at such a critical point of the mighty Mongol Empire, she is likely one of the most influential and powerful women in history. Sorghaghtani Beki was a Christian, specifically a member of the Church of the East (often referred to as "Nestorian Christianity"). As a moving spirit behind the Mongol Empire, Sorghaghtani is responsible for much of the trade openings and intellectual exchange of the largest contiguous empire in world history.

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The text above has been excerpted automatically from Wikipedia - please correct any errors in the original article.
唆魯禾帖尼(;1190年 - 1252年),大蒙古國(蒙古帝國)皇太后,克烈氏,是拖雷的正妻,蒙哥忽必烈、旭烈兀、阿里不哥的生母。蒙哥忽必烈都做過大蒙古國(蒙古帝國)的大汗,旭烈兀在西亞開創了伊兒汗國,阿里不哥1260年在蒙古本土被部分宗王貴族推舉即位,並和忽必烈爭位達四年之久,最終忽必烈勝利。由于她的這四個傑出的兒子都做過帝王,所以她被後世史學家稱為「四帝之母」。

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