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-> 麻那惹加那

麻那惹加那[View] [Edit] [History]

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Abdul Majid Hassan (1380–1408 CE), also known as Maharaja Karna, allegedly was the second Sultan of Brunei. He may have ascended the Brunei throne in 1402.

He was never mentioned in Salasilah Raja-Raja Brunei. A ruler from Boni named Ma Na Re Jia Na (麻那惹加那) is recorded in the Ming historical record. He sent a mission to China in 1406. The Brunei History Centre suggests that this was the Brunei sultan Abdul Majid Hassan, but there is so far no evidence for this assumption.

In 1408, he went to China and died in Nanjing at the age of 28, leaving a 4-year-old prince named Xiawang (遐旺). He was buried in Nanjing. His tomb is now a tourist attraction.

From the fact that Abdul Majid Hassan died in 1408 at the age of 28, we can surmise he was born in 1380.

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麻那惹加那乃(1381年 - 1408年),文萊蘇丹,1402年即位,馬合謨沙蘇丹之子。其事跡不見于文萊史書,但在中國文獻中有記載。

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